The World Bank
TTC is conducting a value chain analysis of the Buddhist Circuit in Bihar on behalf of the World Bank. By identifying areas for investment which will create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women in the tourism sector, this study aims to empower women in Bihar. Based on this value chain analysis, TTC is assessing the potential of developing jobs, enterprise opportunities, and skills for women in the Buddhist Circuit, with the
objective of generating practical recommendations to increase women's labour force participation.
Hindustan Construction Company
'Responsible Infrastructure 2016-17' is the eighth annual sustainability report of Hindustan Construction Company (HCC - Engineering & Construction business), which has been prepared by HCC as per the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. TTC supported HCC on their sustainability journey by providing independent assurance to the Report as per Accountability's AA1000 assurance standard.
John Snow India
For John Snow India (JSI), TTC is conducting the needs assessment study of the Tuberculosis Health Services at the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) under the Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI), the recommendations will act as the key input to develop the TB Free Kolkata Action Plan in consonance with the
objectives of National Strategic Plan (2017-2025).
For the Indian States of Punjab and Telengana, TTC (in consortium partnership with The Celestial Earth) supported GIZ in ascertaining the financing gaps of State Action Plan for Climate Change (SAPCC), and identifying innovative financing for prioritized SAPCC activities. Unique methodologies were developed for this study to carry out baseline scenario assessment as well as linking the SAPCC targets to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for climate change, as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).